Each season different produce ripen; currently oranges are available seemingly everywhere. Along the roads and in the markets bags like these sell for US$2-3.
Wheelbarrows are a favorite way to transport many items along the roadways.
We have had a quiet month staying close to Johannesburg as World Cup games have been played throughout the country. This has been an exciting time for South Africans who have thrilled at the opportunity to host and celebrate with the world.
Each Friday employees and senior missionaries at the Area Office participated in activities, showing their support and enthusiasm for the soccer (which they call football) games. This was our version of the diski dance. The fun enjoyed by many in the office camouflage their Sunday callings as bishops and stake presidents.
For a Saturday getaway we drove two hours north and hiked in the Tswaing Meteor Crater which is similar to the one in Arizona. It was a pleasantly warm day.
Ron and I have been assigned to be an advisory couple to the Young Single Adults, men and women ages 18-30, in our inner city ward. The past two weeks 22 and 26 attended in their Sunday School class. Many of them speak multiple languages and are a delight to be around.
And Dad! Did you ever believe that at 60 you would be hiking the meteorite craters of Africa! Maybe it's better you are there than at home, close to a 4-wheeler, with the realization that you are now 20 years past over the hill....I love you!